New Years Eve and things are falling apart! The bank machine ate Rich´s ATM card....before giving him money....and mine is being rejected by the machine too! We don´t even bank at the same bank! So hence, we have no money....which we decided was fine because there really is nowhere to spend money here....but we will try the banks in Puerto Montt tomorrow....OK one crisis handeled.
But, then I drove to town to check my email.....and our boat to the South has been canceled! Canceled! This is the one thing we planned over four months ago! It is the only way to get down south without flying in what they call a "Air Taxi" which A. is expensive and B. Very scarry!
I have been looking forward to the "Frieghter Crater" trip through the Fiords as long as we have known we were coming down here. My heart is broken. And now we have to decide whether to skip heading toward the horn all together or......or.....I am not sure!
Not a happy holiday to say the least.
Dave and Carrie took off early this morning for their "Air Taxi" to the Futaleufu River (some of the best rafting in the world) I hope their day is going better than ours.
It is funny being just the three of us again. We have not been this way for over a month! I will admit, there are advantages and disadvantages to having everyone together. We loved having the company and conversation. And we love my family. But, it can also be hard organizing a group of seven everyday.....especially without cell phones.
I am sure there are times we will miss them all and times we will be happy just to be our threesome again. In tribute to our time as a family.....here is a nice family pic.