Thursday, December 14, 2006

DAY 44
Santa Cruz, Chile
Wine, wine and more wine! Today we started our vineyard tastings before lunch! In the morning we went to the Santa Cruz Vineyard. Never heard of it? That is because they do not export their wine. It is an exclusive wine only sold in Chile.....and we can see (and taste) why they are hogging it!
But, even more special than the wines I think is the clear effort all these vineyards put into making the entire visit to their farms a real unique pleasure. Yesterday´s vineyard had the horse and buggy. Today the tour started with a Swiss Gondola (sp??) ride.

Then they take you up to a observatory, museum, and demonstrations of ancient Chilean houses. Its incredible the work that had gone into these places. And the view takes your breath away.

This land is truly stunning. And the guides are so friendly and kind. They WANT to teach you, they want to show you how special this world is to them, and most of all they want you to love their wine, their vineyard, and their country.
Not to worry.....we do.
In the afternoon we found a beautiful country Hacienda where we had lunch

.....took a little nap......and then went to the vineyard that produces the La Joya lable. The first one I had actually drank before! Its a great wine. They sell in the US and it is only about $10 to $20 a bottle......go buy some!
Now I am blogging, the boys are swimming in the pool, and Carrie is having her birthday massage......not a bad life I tell ya!


Blogger The Hardy family said...

You look so happy and rested! Then again if I was on a diet of fresh wine I would be too! Glad Carrie is getting a massage. And sorry to read that your Dad is feeling bad! I hope he is better by now. I enjoy reading about Bryce and his fun factory adventures. You really make him carry the laundry? Pack it in pack it out huh.....

2:49 PM  
Blogger paula&dave said...

Love all the pics. Thanks for posting!!!! The gondola and horse/carriage look like so much fun. The scenery looks amazing as well. Will have to check out the label you tried....sounds good and reasonable.
Hope John is feeling better. Please send our love.
Happy belated birthday Carrie.

Trying to finish up the shopping this close...but yet so far....amazing that it never ends. Hoping your box made it to the house/hotel safe and sound and that Bryce likes his presents. We also sent some books for you and Rich.
Lots of love
Paula, Dave and Tonka

9:52 AM  

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