Sunday, December 17, 2006

Day 46
En-Route, Chile
Great night out last night in Santiago! No pictures....because both cameras died...can you belive that! was Carrie's Birthday so we went over to the "Chi-Chi" part of town called Barrio Bellavista and it is soooo cool. Gorgeous little area of winding streets filled with great restaurants, cool bars, street performers, bands, and free theatre. Its what you dream a city will be....filled with life, instead of traffic.
We ate dinner at a place called Etniko, its a Fushion Asian Restaurant con very lively hip bar with indoor and outdoor patios, blarring music....and best of all INCREDIBLE food. We munched on veggie sushi, veggie tempura, and wok fried tofu. Everything came in the best sauces and the boys seemed to love their samlon stuffed fritters and eel rolls. Of course, the triump of the place was the very strong...but tastey margaritas!
The staff there was all very beautiful...but very nice....a combination you would not find in New York. As they turned away hotly dressed Chilleans at the door they treated us like royalty. When I stepped outside for a cigarette the bartender chased me outside to tell me I could smoke at the table. When I explained my table mates would not appreciate it he said "Well...a beautiful woman should never smoke alone. I will stay out here with you, until you come in!" Yes...that comment increased his tip by $10!
But, then when we tipped him, he tried to give some back! "This is too generous" he said. Can you possibly imagine that happening in the US! They will take any tip the frunk fools will give them!
By the end of dinner we were already drunk from food and liquor...but we plowed on. We headed to a local Pena (bar with live music) called Pico Cuba. Its a little place with a live guitar player and stiff mojitos, enjoyed on natural wood bar stolls with large open windows and friendly waitresses who talked the guitarist into playing Happy Birthday in English.
That was enough for Carrie and I so they boys walked (or dragged) us home and then went back out!
Lets just say they did not feel very well on the plane the next day!


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