Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dear Goodness....Just did an entry (Nov. 23rd) and I forgot to say Happy Turkey Day to everyone in the US!
To be honest....until yesterday when I checked email...we forgot all about Thanksgiving. I donĀ“t think anyone here will be having turkey for dinner.....maybe llama meat???
Have a great day and love to our family and friends.
STEVE...our budy from Cusco...good to see a note ont eh blog from you....but it did not have your email address. If you read this...send us one....and glad to hear you are safe back in England. SA will miss you.


Blogger paula&dave said...

Happy day after Thansgiving. It was so very wonderful to hear your voice yesterday. You sound wonderful and the trip clearly is giving you that much needed rest (I know it's hard to say rest when you are moving every 2 days and always exhausted at night...but somehow I think this type of "busy-ness" is more enjoyable and relaxing.).
Thanksgiving was great. We had 10 people (Jay and Amy came out from Boston, Bill and Cheryl from Phoenix, Susan and Jayson (Cheryl's daughter and son-in-law) from Colorado, Mark (a tenant in the park), Eileen, us and 5 (yes 5) dogs. It was a blast - the very traditional, 6+ hours cooking, 20-30 minutes eating and then another 2 hours of cleaning.
Heading for some local tourism today with Jay and Amy - definitely not going to find the $4 sweaters and other amazing buys though.
Rich - we're glad you are feeling better.
Bryce - we miss you tons and tons.
PS. - your brie was a hit!!!

7:59 AM  
Blogger The Hardy family said...

Happy Thaksgiving!
We were at the Lexington Hardy's as usual and filled everyone in on your adventures! They all want the blog address - hope that's okay. But the Hardy family in its entirety is so impressed by your courage and sense of adventure and wishes they were doing something so exciting!
Now we are down the Cape with my folks relaxing. Though we shared in some Herald style adventure when the cape experienced a high voltage blackout and we were without power for several hours Friday Night. Of course the power cut out as we were watching the last 10 mins of spy kids 2. But there was something very cool about just gathering together in the livingroom by candllight. Power came back and we got the kids fed and to bed and the last few mins of the spy kids too. However I woke up in the middle of the night and the power had again gone out.... that felt like your beach story, I know there is a coffee table some where... OUCH.. found it!
Anyway, Glad you made it to a 5 star spot and are shaving your legs, some readers may have been starting to wonder. I will keep reading daily! XOXOX H

6:11 AM  

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