Friday, November 17, 2006

DAY 17

To explain the photo..Bryce had been waking up every morning at 5AM! So what do you do with a kid who won´t sleep???? Take him out late night to the Discoteque! We had a great time. Of course, we are those crazy Americans who show up at the Disco at 8pm in our hiking gear!!! But, its Ok....they love Americans here and they just think its funny to have us around. It worked like a charm...we had a great time...just good family fun. The kind of stuff we never seemed to have time for in Boston. And the next morning, Bryce slept till 6:30....Its progress!

Sorry for the three days of no entries....we seem to have gotten very busy here! Life in Cusco has definately grown on us and it is starting to feel like home. We know the streets, we have our favorite cafes and we have made friends here. Yesterday I had the enjoyable experience of walking down the street and having someone yell..."Hey Betsy!" Its a good feeling to know people when you are so far from everything to are accustomed to.
The things we love most here are... our new daily tradition of after school the three of us go and spend about three hours sitting in one of the open air cafes, having lunch, drinking tea and fruit juice, and playing games. You just dont have those opportunities of time when you are living real life. Its so relaxing and so special for all of us.
We also love our Spanish classes and I almost hesitate to say it...but I think we are getting better. Last night we went to a party and actually had CONVERSATIONS! The Sangria helps too. :)
We love the views of the mountains and the smiles on the faces of all the people. Always in cafes people stike up conversations and want to know all about us. Bryce has taken to playing with the local kids who sell puppets and drawings in the street and it is so charming to watch them speak in Spanish while he speaks in English and none of them seem to care. Kids are jut kids...they like to play.
Of course, not everything is perfect....we miss:
Toilet paper...Charmine could make a fortune here
Quiet mornings....for a peaceful person I really might kill those roosters outside our window.
The language can be difficult, but we are getting by.....
And my final word to the wise....don´t try to plan inter-country travel here! I am surprised the Peruvians even know where Bolivia is and they certainly dont want to talk about you traveling to Chile (bad feelings over some war 100 years ago). So..plan ahead....trying to accomplish things here can be a bit tedious to say the least.
I better sign off....I have a birthday party to plan! And I will have to go to 12 stores since each one only sells one thing!
All our love....tomorrow is our 10 hour train ride to I will be out of touch.
B, B & R


Blogger paula&dave said...

Your latest blog really warmed my heart. The precious, focused time you are having with your family is absolutely wonderful. It's easy to let life just pass by and forget how special those moments are.
Glad to hear from you guys, was getting worried after the earthquake and heavy rains. Sounds like classes are going well. Are you able to speak and write? It will definitely benefit all of you not only on this trip but in life back in the states.
Where will you be for Bryce's birthday? What's the plan? Please give him big hugs from us. Can't believe he's going to be 5. I remember his first birthday (when i met the whole Herald clan for the first time)...and here we are 4 years later. Time really does fly.
Thanksgiving next week will be fun. What will you guys do since it's really not a holiday there? Jay and Amy are coming out from Boston - we are so very excited to see them. I think Cheryl, Bill, Susan and Jason are also coming up from Phoenix. Should be a good time. It definitely feels like fall, tons of leaves falling (which means much raking this weekend).
Miss you and love you
Paula, Dave, and Tonka

8:27 AM  
Blogger Carrie Ward Richardson said...

Anyone who thinks that it's irresponsible to pull your 4-year old out of school to go travel should really be reading these. It sounds like there probably isn't anything better that you could be doing with Bryce right now. I love picturing him playing with the kids, learning Spanish bit by bit. I have no doubt that he will be a better Spanish speaker than you by the end!

So Betsy and I have been writing emails back and forth daily, and I even got to talk to her on the phone yesterday due to a ticket booking emergency, but WHERE IS RICH? How is he doing? I don't think that he's written any of these blogs - or has he? Is he having a good time? Does he have any regrets leaving his home, job, and security behind? Is he dealing well with daily travel decisions and the new challenges of family on the road?

Can't wait to see you in 20 days!!! We leave here in 18 days and I can hardly believe it!


9:58 AM  
Blogger paula&dave said...

Thought I would try and post a picture of Ranger and his new friends but can't seem to figure it out. I sent you an email with a few pics instead.

8:54 AM  

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