Sunday, November 12, 2006

Day 12
Cusco, Peru

The sun is shining in Peru! Its a bit of a miracle. In our first 11 days we saw very little sunshine and a lot of Ubia (rain)...yes that is now a Spanish word we know well. Though we can say it...but maybe not spell it.
But, here we are under blue skies and 70 degree temps. A welcome change, I must admit.
Anyhow....we took yesterday and today to get to know this lovely city. It is so charming. Full of shops and cafe´s. Everything looks the way it must have 500 years ago with cobblestone streets and tiny little doorways under granite pillars. But, if you duck into those doorways you will find massages, waxing, travel agents, restaurants run by European transplants, and plenty of cool bars and hotels.
This town is geared toward the backpacker there is plenty of excellent vegetarian food. Last night we ate at a French owned bistro called Granja Heidi on San Blas and it was some of the best food of my life. Vegetarian pumpkin soup with bits of cheese, silky crepes filled with fresh fruit and incredible hot leche drinks tinged with local spices. You must try the "Magic Milk". I don´t know what is in it...but its GOOD. The owner makes all her own products at her dairy farm 20 miles outside of town and the freshness was obvious. Our dinner for three with drinks was under $20US!
For breakfast we went to a English owned restaurant called Jacks and had thick toast piled high with cream cheese, avocadodo, capers, and roasted tomatoes. (Rich had sweet beans and bacon on his....). I must admit after 11 days of "Food Typico" these tasty treats were much appreciated. I could live without rice, beans, and vegetables for a while.....and the pizza in Peru is something you don´t want to talk about. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Bryce -
Hi. We liked the picture of you riding the Llama!! What fun :)
We hope you are having fun on your adventure. Miss you lots.
Braden & Madison

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Papa testing

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I just created a blog for Dad so you should hear from him soon. Are you allowed to share the names of your family? Sounds like a good placement for you and I wish you good luck with the Spanish lessons. If Rich get stuck, just have Bryce translate!

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think I just became Papa!

10:41 AM  

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