Friday, February 16, 2007

Day 115
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Word to the wise....never try to fly locally in Brazil the day before the start of Carnivale! What a mess. Our two hour flight to Rio turned into a 8 hour flight to Sao Paulo. All the flights are booked and delayed....its a mess. To make matters worse....some of you may know there was a major commerical airline crash in the Brazillian Jungle not too long a ago. They colided with a American Private Jet, killing everone on the airliner. Anyway...air traffic control got blammed and in response they are refusing to work half the time.
But, after two puddle jumpers and a lot of time sitting in airports in the jungle....last night we arrived in Sao Paulo and were greeted by the generosity of our friends, The Scott Family, who some of you may remember we met on the Cape Horn trip.
Bryce was very excited to see their girls (he brought them presents of gems from the jungle) and we were very grateful to spend a night in their lovely home.
They live in a beautiful area of Sao Paulo. Its a "gated community" but not like we think of them in the US. You do drive through a big guard gate area, but unlike these communities at home, this one is not a "planned development". All the houses are unique, there are parks and playgrounds.....its just like a whole big neighborhood that just happens to be surrounded by a huge electronic fence and guarded 24/7 by guys on mopeds with machine guns.
At the end of their block is a huge pathway going through the jungle.....its really quite beautiful.
It makes me secretly hope that Rich could find a job working for an international corporation that might give us a chance to move around the world like the Scotts do. Tim works for Catapillar and these big international companies provide their families with nice houses, full time maids, drivers......its not such a bad life!
Anyhow.....this morning Ligia is helping us find a car to rent and we plan to drive ourselves toward Rio, stopping for the night somewhere halfway. It will be more fun this way....we will get to see more of Brazil and we got to spend some time....through short...with friends.


Blogger paula&dave said...

What a trip! So glad you were able to meet up with some of your new SA friends! How fun is that.
Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days. Had to go to DC for work and between their terrible snow and tons of ice and then all day meetings...well clearly my life is not as fun as yours!!!
I'm moving up (on the computer screen that is) to read the next posting.

8:47 AM  

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