Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Day 126
Rio, Brazil
Another big day!
We started the morning by heading to Tijuca National Park, a 8151 acre park in the heart of Rio. Like a little rain forest that survived in the middle of this far reaching city.
The park brings forth two emotions in me:
On one hand, it was beautiful and green and cool and peaceful. It makes you rejoice that this historical patch of wild life has survived and glad for the people of Rio that they have this refuge.
On the breaks your heart. You see, we discovered when we arrived that the gangs have taken over the park. This makes it too dangerous for the average person to walk the trails or hike the hills. This forest has become a jungle war zone. In response, the park is falling apart. Historical buildings and mansions have fallen down, trails overgrown, restaurants closed. It feels a bit like a jungle ghost town.

We were all very disappointed that we could not go hiking. I found myself angry with the corrupt government that lets such a thing happen to such a jewel as this park.
We did get somewhat fortunate that a gentelman was there from The World Life Wildfund there at the Park. He spoke perfect English and took us on a quick car tour. That was the best we could do.
After the park we headed to lunch at a great place on the water. Big Brazillian BBQ that made the carnivors in the group very happy. They had a kid room.....which made the little ones happy too. We had planned on going to a neighborhood called Santa Teressa....but Fernanda (named by Alex "the terrified, supermodel tourguide" ) insisted there were too many kidnappings in the area. Yes, that is one way to make parents change their minds in a heartbeat.

At the end of our lunch, we fullfilled one of my dreams by going for cocktails and ice cream at The Copacabana Palace. That hotel exudes glamor. I can not even appropriately describe how elegant it is.
To top off a very nice evening we crossed the street and dipped our toes in the water of Copacabana Beach. The kids loved running into the waves in the dark, Alex and I delighted in touching our toes to what Bryce called "Famous Sand", and Heather got very nervous that we were..... "Breaking the one rule that every guide book puts in bold print......DO NOT WALK THE BEACHES AT NIGHT."
I guess we are lucky.....because everyone escaped without harm and a with smile on their face.


Blogger The Hardy family said...

We woke this morning to sleet and freezing rain.... NOT FAIR! Wish we were still with you, I purchased the Sambadrome 2007 CD at the airport and we are dancing around to the Nitero Song and looking at photos! Zack is all pumped to take his Cristo statue into school.... funny when you recall what a great time he had at cristo?!? THe flight from Atlanta to Boston was one of the worst EVER. There have been bad bad bad weather stuff in the SE USA, the kids had no sleep and the plane wonked up and down, ugh, no fun at all. Hope the next destinations are wonderful. Cold and wet... Heath

4:43 AM  

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