Day 102
Cabo Polonia, Uruguay
Feeling motivated from our days of relaxation, today we got up, drank our mud coffee on the porch and then hiked out into the dunes.
It was spectacular. Sand and blue sky as far as you can see. It reminded both of us of the far reaching sand dunes of our childhoods......which sadly no longer exist.
After our hike we had lunch, and then as you do in SA....we waited.
We were packed and ready, but with no access to phones or internet, where to head and how to get there was a mystery we forgot to solve.
Our predicament was ended by the kind people at our hostel. After watching us sit for hours, perplexed, the owner of the hotel......either out of kindness or a desire to have our luggage out of her lobby,........offered to 4 by 4 us over the dunes where her boyfriend would be waiting to take us to his small resort in the even smaller town of Aguas Dulces.
For those of you traking.....ARE WE OFF THE MAP YET????
Day 102
Aguas Dulces, Uruguay
Good evening!
Its actually a cute little beachside community with almost no tourists.....which is nice sometimes.
And besides........they have an internet cafe! What more could you ask for?
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